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The way that I propagate Tiger Lotus plants is, I buy them as a bulb first, I let them sprout and grow and then I remove that sprout from the bulb.. However, like most plants it will lose its compact shape and slow down its growth in low-light conditions, so if that’s a problem be sure to go for medium to high light. Keep reading for everything you need to know about growing red tiger lotus in your aquarium. Red tiger lotus is not a difficult plant and not too demanding when it comes to light. The container has to hold about four cups of substrate and a root fertilizer tab. Red tiger lotus (Nyphaeazenkeri) plants grow astonishingly quickly and are considered an invasive species in many areas of the USA.The growth rate of tiger lotus allows it to … In den Warenkorb. Cultures from northern China to South Africa regard lotus plants as sacred. Unter dem Namen Nymphaea zenkeri oder Tigerlotus wird sie seit langem aus West-Afrika eingeführt und stellt die beliebteste Seerosen-Art im Aquarienhobby dar. Foliage: The leaves, arranged in a rosette are red and variegated with maroon spots, making it an attractive plant to have. Mine is only getting 20 Watts/100 Litres (with CO2 and EI ferts) rather than the 40-75 Watts/100 Litres that is suggested in the care instructions. Yes. The water lily Nymphaea lotus "red" or N. zenkeri "red" is native to the African tropics, where it is found in stagnant waters like lakes or temporary ponds. Dependent upon its environment, Nymphaea Zenkeri (Tiger Lotus) can display leaves that are … After placing the substrate and the bulb, the container has to be covered in a mesh fabric. Red tiger lotus is not a difficult plant and not too demanding when it comes to light. There seems to be a bit of confusion out there when it comes to Nymphaea taxonomy. It is known for its triangular leaves and, as its name states, its deep red coloration. Tiger Lotus Nymphea Zenkeri Red - BULB. I also brought a very good current lighting system, $269.00 on sale. Finally, the container can be put in the aquarium and hidden behind larger rocks or pieces of wood. Nymphaea lotus, a tropical waterlily species, is widespread in Africa. Nymphaea zenkeri, the Red Tiger Lotus, is a flowering plant of the family Nymphaeaceae that grows in various parts of East Africa.This species is known for its … This aquatic plant features bold coloration and large foliage. The plant will grow through a hole left in the mesh. Tom's Preis: 8,95 € inkl. It features a striking red color. Nymphaea lotus (zenkeri) – The Tiger Lotus, a Beast of a Plant Posted by: marinebioblog in Aquarium Livestock , Freshwater Aquariums April 26, 2010 1 Comment 10772 Views When you look at the hobby today, one can see that the popularity of freshwater planted aquaria has really taken off. It can grow to a very large size of 30+ inches tall and 20+ inches wide under optimal conditions. Nymphaea Zenkeri Red - The leaves of Nymphaea Zenkeri Red are first green, partially covered with red speckles. sofort verfügbar. The red tiger lotus grows at an amazing rate, even a few inches per day if left with proper lighting. EAN: 5703249019004. Founder & admin of Aquariadise, aquarium enthusiast and writer of many articles. It is without comparison themost suitable Nymphaea species for aquarium purposes because it sets numerous water leaves beforefloating leaves are produced. It is native to southern and eastern parts of Asia, and is the national flower of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Due to its ease in care and beautiful red foliage, it acts as a nice centerpiece that can add great color contrast when planted among green plants. If you don't want floating leaves, prune the roots and leaves. It is also known under the name red tiger lotus. Are other plants losing their leaves? Before forming floating leaves Nymphaea lotus (zenkeri) forms many underwater leaves. This can be done by containing the roots in a confined space, controlling the amount of light in the aquarium, preventing seeds from developing and falling on the substrate, or by trimming overgrown leaves. To plant, all that is required is to let the bulb float in the tank for several days, and after sufficient time it … Nymphaea would also be midground, although N. micranthra is tiny, so this is definitely a foreground plant. Nymphaea Rubra / Stella also known as Dwarf Water Lily. The package was supposed to contain a variety of species, including both Nymphaea Rubra and Nymphaea Stellata. Join 8,000+ other Aquascapers and receive helpful aquarium tips and free stuff direct to your inbox. 7% USt. It's a great beginner aquarium or pond plant. Have you changed anything recently? Nymphaea zenkeri Gilg; Nymphaea nouchali, often known by its synonym Nymphaea stellata, or by common names blue lotus, star lotus, [citation needed] red and blue water lily, blue star water lily or manel flower is a water lily of genus Nymphaea. Learn how your comment data is processed. The flower is white and sometimes tinged with pink, up to 10 inches (25 cm) in diameter. Tiger Lotus Red Nymphaea zenkeri. It is a very good plant for Tetras, especially Bloodfin tetras.. You can also use it in Shrimp aquarium. If you want to prevent the formation of surface leaves, be sure to prune any leaf that comes too close to the top of the tank. When buying the bulb, it’s very important to know what you have because many people can try to sell dead bulbs. Nymphaea zenkeri, also known as red tiger lotus, features a striking red color and its interesting leaf shape makes for a great change in texture. The plant grows from bulbs which shoot out red arrowhead shaped leaves from a thin long stem. This plant is very hardy which makes it ideal for beginners. Red Tiger Lotus Aquarium Lily (Nymphaea zenkeri) is a remarkable red bulb plant that is native to Africa. Eine sehr seltene Art, deswegen nicht im Handel zu finden. Ob Du eine dieser Pflanzen in Deinem Aquarium hast kannst Du nur selbst beurteilen. It can grow to a very large size of 30+ inches tall and 20+ inches wide under optimal conditions. Hopefully, we can get to the bottom of this :-). When planting this bulb don’t place it all the way into the substrate, as this can result in rot. The plant can be harvested in an area that doesn’t have running water and that is why they make a good aquarium plant as they don’t require running water activity. Nymphaea Zenkeri, also known as Red Tiger Lotus, is a beautiful aquatic plant that hails from West Africa. Anubias is one of the most popular aquarium plants in the hobby. It is known for its triangular leaves and, as its name states, its deep red coloration. Februar 1922 in Bipindi/Kamerun) war ein deutscher Gärtner, Botaniker und Zoologe, der sich durch seine langjährige Tätigkeit als Leiter der wissenschaftlichen Station Jaunde in der zentralafrikanischen Kolonie Kamerun einen Namen machte. Hi my Tiger Nymphaea is loosing its leaves. Je nach Nährstoffversorgung und Beleuchtung kann Sie auch großflächig eine rotbraune Färbung annehmen. How to Grow Nymphaea. Versand 4.5 5 1 8 (8) Artikelnummer: 80089.019P. Nymphaea zenkeri care requirements. zum nächsten Produkt » Nymphaea lotus zenkeri × Nymphaea lotus zenkeri. Tiger Lotus is not your common plant and does not grow in the best of environments whatsoever; it, bears its roots from West Africa under the genus Nymphaea Zenkeri. Red tiger lotus (Nymphaea zenkeri) is a flowering plant of the Nymphaeaceae family which is native to Southeast Asia and West tropical regions of Africa. On top of my satrate activ-floa Ease of care: easy: Notes: Nymphaea lotus ("zenkeri")- or the Tiger Lotus - is recognised to be among the mostgraceful aquarium plants. Common Name: Dwarf Water Lily The dwarf water lily is a well recognized plant in the aquarium hobby. Nymphaea lotus is an aquatic, perennial, flowering plant, up to 17.7 inches (45 cm) tall, with lily pads that float on the water, and blossoms that rise above the water. Will any bulb plants flower? Crinums, like the one pictured above, are mid to background as well. A good, living bulb has to feel firm, while a dead one is quite soft and mushy. Cu frunzele sale mari, rotunde, cu pete și dungi brune, este recomandat pentru acvariile mai mari. KAY SAWANT at How to care for the Flowerhorn fish with discussion on 2019-01-23 22:04:57; Nymphaea zenkeri. It can be surprising to some that the Zenkeri is actually a lily pad, as the red tiger has arrow-shaped leaves instead of round ones. Yes, we even pick the bulb with sprouted so you know the plant is already growing when you got them. Easy, this plant is suitable for beginners and a great option if you want a red plant without the high lighting requirements they usually come with. Menge (Stk.) Nymphaea Lotus, o specie tropicală de apă, foarte răspândita în Africa, unde se găsește în apele stagnante precum lacurile sau iazurile temporare. Hardy nymphaea (Nymphaea spp. SKU 1038-1262 Categories Miscellaneous Aquarium Plants for Sale, Specials! If you allow the plant to form enough surface leaves it might eventually produce a gorgeous lily flower, from which seeds can be harvested after it wilts. Family: Nymphaecaceae. Recommended pH range for the species: 6.5 - 7.2. How To Propagate Tiger Lotus? The Red Tiger Lotus (Nypmhaea Zenkeri) is an African stagnant water plant that is easy to keep and is widely used in aquariums. Find our more about TAG. Nymphaea lotus zenkeri « zum vorherigen Produkt. Due to its ease in care and beautiful red foliage, it acts as a nice centerpiece that can add great color contrast when planted among green plants. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 8°N (71.43 - 142.86ppm) I only have space close to the glass, about three inches from glass… temp at 76* , I movered it up to 80*, will it grow ? Tiger Lotus is not your common plant and does not grow in the best of environments whatsoever; it, bears its roots from West Africa under the genus Nymphaea Zenkeri. Hardy nymphaea (Nymphaea spp. Depending on the nutrient and lighting You can also extensively adopt a red-brown color. Nymphaea lotus ("zenkeri")- or the Tiger Lotus - is recognised to be among the most graceful aquarium plants. Growth Form: An aquatic bulb. Nymphaea Zenkeri, also known as Red Tiger Lotus, is a beautiful aquatic plant that hails from West Africa. Ease of care: easy: Notes: Nymphaea lotus ("zenkeri")- or the Tiger Lotus - is recognised to be among the mostgraceful aquarium plants. Aponogetons are stunning in pink, white, purples and blues. It is a quite variable speciesand the leaf colour may vary from bright green overred-brown to red-violet. The temperature is 28C, I’m injecting near the roots (bulb) both fertilizer (NPG) and Micro elements, CO2 is injected during light on time, but no results. Thus, you keep them from creating new plants and they get to blossom for months. Red Tiger Lotus Aquarium Lily (Nymphaea zenkeri) is a remarkable red bulb plant that is native to Africa. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „ G.Zenker It has a medium growth speed in medium to strong light and can reach between 7-31 inches high and 9-23 inches wide. Nymphaea zenkeri care requirements. ... rather than the 40-75 Watts/100 Litres that is suggested in the care instructions. Plant as, 2 ‘ of satrate, I have a tank full o f dead dry rock, from my old salt water tank a few years back. Blossoms are usually white, but due to selective breeding, there are varieties with red or blue flowers. Is there a way to grow the young seedlings into mature plants so that I can sell them? It has been without question the most popular species of its genus to be kept in home aquaria. Die Blätter schwimmen auf der Wasseroberfläche, dadurch sind sie ideale Verstecke für kleine Fische und Fischbrut. Our bulb is sold fresh with a growth rate of 99.99%. Scientific name: Nymphaea zenkeri. Die Blätter werden bis zu 10 cm groß, die ganze Pflanze kaum mehr als ein halber Meter. I can see hundreds of young plants in the water and attached to water plants but only one or two grow into mature plant. The bulbs can be planted directly into your substrate or placed directly into your aquascape. The red tiger lotus flower produces a large amount of seeds that can generate more fast-growing lotus plants that take over the aquarium. This is why it’s very important to keep the plants well-fertilized and carefully monitor the level of nutrients in the water. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 8°N (71.43 - 142.86ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F. It will sometimes flower whe It is a quite variable speciesand the leaf colour may vary from bright green overred-brown to red-violet. It is also one of the flowering aquarium plants and it produces flowers over the water surface. It's a great beginner aquarium or pond plant. The same goes for Co2 and added nutrients: although red tiger lotus can go without it, it won’t be at its best. Dependent upon its environment, Nymphaea Zenkeri (Tiger Lotus) can display leaves that are green, red-brown, bright pinkish red and rich maroon hues with purple spots. Another useful trick would be using a colder and less bright light, as leaves tend to develop faster in bright red light. Also, as the red tiger lotus can grow and spread very quickly on the surface as well as in height, one may consider keeping its growth under control. Among the methods used, placing the bulb in a plastic container seems to be the most efficient. Next, let’s talk about how to propagate this plant. Propagating red tiger lotus isn’t the easiest thing but not impossible. I suspect the seeds will only germinate outside when they are exposed to sunlight as the indoor aquarium doesn’t get exposure from sun light. Can grow from 20-80 cm tall. First, you need to clip any leaves that reach higher than the overall plant height. Everything i talk about is based on own experience, and info found online. Pruning is the key to a beautiful red tiger lotus. However, like most plants it will lose its compact shape and slow down its growth in low-light conditions, so if that’s a problem be sure to go for medium to high light. However, like most plants it will lose its compact shape and slow down its growth in low-light conditions, so if that’s a problem be sure to go for medium to high light. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Imported as Nymphaea zenkeri and Tiger lotus from West Africa for a long time, it is the most popular waterlily species in the aquarium hobby. There are a few easy red plants that turn easily red as long as their fertilization needs are fulfilled and PAR values are not too low (50umols +); this includes the Nymphaea zenkeri 'red' (below, left), Ludwigia sp.red (below, right), Echinodorus 'rubin'&variants. In aquaristics, it is by far the most popular species of its genus, and correspondingly well available in trade. Nymphaea zenkeri care requirements. When supplied with plenty of light, Co2 and fertilizer this plant can grow pretty massive and take over the entire tank. Blossoms only develop when surface leaves are present. I’ve got a couple of plants which have bee flowering and producing seed pods in a large fish pond made from porcelain flower planter. I wanted to talk about one of my favourite plants, the tiger lotus. The aquarium water needs to be anywhere between 71-86° Fahrenheit (22-30 C) for the Red Tiger Lotus to develop. Visit The Aquarium Guide (TAG)'s profile on Pinterest. Durch regelmäßiges Entfernen der Schwimmblätter lässt sich der Wuchs kompakt halten. For a large, fast-growing and lush plant you might want to consider Co2 injection or at least using some. By keeping its development under control you protect other plant species in the aquarium, but will also have the ecosystem running smoothly, without any of the elements invading the space. It will sometimes flower whe Red tiger lotus dwarf aquarium lily tiger lotus aquarium plant care for red tiger water lily gr seed tiger lotus care guide information red tiger lotus with images plants dormant bulb nymphaea zenkeri the. The leaves of Nymphaea Zenkeri Red are first green, partially covered with red speckles. Descriere Dennerle Nymphaea lotus zenkeri red BULB. If you have any more questions about growing red tiger lotus or want to share your experiences with this stunning red aquarium plant, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below! Many. My tank is two weeks old…. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. The bulbs are shipped completely dry. Our bulb is sold fresh with a growth rate of 99.99%. The Aquarium Guide (TAG) was started to provide high-quality aquarium and aquascaping information, articles, and techniques in an easy to use and understand format. As with all lotus plants, red tiger lotus leaves are constantly trying to locate the top of the tank and create surface leaves. The aquarium water needs to be anywhere between 71-86° Fahrenheit (22-30 C) for the Red Tiger Lotus to develop. Tiger Lotus, White Lotus, Egyptian White Water-Lily, Egyptian Lotus, Egyptian Water-Lily, White Egyptian Lotus, White Water-Lily Schöne rot- und braungepunktete Blätter mit roten/rosa Blüten. The Zekeri needs a lot of space and takes in most of the nutrients in the water, so you have to keep in mind not to plant it near sensitive plants, as the red tiger lotus produces a dangerous chemical that inhibits the growth of other plants. This lotus grows from a small bulb, which is often sold and/or shipped without any leaves. It was so big and beautiful and now it’s sad. Any idea? It has a medium growth speed in medium to strong light and can reach between 7-31 inches high and 9-23 inches wide. Nymphaea zenkeri weisse Blüten. In order to control the growth speed of the Zenkeri, many aquarists have tried to restrain the bulb and roots to prevent it from spreading into the whole substrate. Cover photo: Nymphaea lotus Rouge tigré by Tony Kafetzis (CC BY-NC 2.0). … In order to prevent blossoms for developing into fruits and producing seeds, the first thing you can do is cut the flowers before they wilt. Red tiger lotus is very easy to care and beginner-friendly red aquarium plant. This aquatic plant features bold coloration and large foliage. The water lily Nymphaea lotus 'Red' (sometimes known as N. zenkeri 'Red') can be found growing in its native habitat of tropical Africa in bodies of stagnant water ranging in size from lakes to small, temporary pools. This species is also known as tiger lotus or Nymphaea lotus. Would you be able to tell a little more about the system? Difficulty: Medium. ), or water lilies, are aquatic perennials that grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10. KAY SAWANT at How to care for the Flowerhorn fish with discussion on 2019-01-23 22:04:57; Nymphaea zenkeri. It is a very good flowering plant and produces flowers quite often inside the aquarium.. One problem many aquarists run into with their red tiger lotus is that it simply grows too large. Hersteller: Tropica. Blätter oberseits grün, unterseits grün mit Behaarung. Usual maximum size in aquariums: 5 - 30 cm (1.97 - 11.81 inch) 0 14. Because red tiger lotus grows very large, some aquarists prefer to plant it in a small container; a glass pot should work well. It is a quite variable speciesand the leaf colour may vary from bright green overred-brown to red-violet. Red Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea Zenkeri) originates from West Africa where it is found growing in drainage ditches, the margins around lakes and ponds and other areas of stagnant water. ... / Freshwater Aquarium / Freshwater Aquarium Plants for Sale / Miscellaneous Aquarium Plants for Sale / Tiger Lotus Red Nymphaea zenkeri. Thanks, I just brought three tiger lotus flower bulbs and placed them in front of my tank right next to the glass. One type has green leaves streaked with purple, while the similarly striped red variety is--of course--ruddier. Tag Nymphaea zenkeri $ 14.99 $ 9.88. We’re here to take loving care of your orders! Nymphaea thermalis DC. I’ve been thinking of propagating them like orchid’s seeds in a jelly type mix, will try that one day. It can grow to a very large size of 30+ inches tall and 20+ inches wide under optimal conditions. The relatively shallow water in its native habitat has made this plant quite tolerant of water temperature, lighting and dissolved CO2 in the water. By regularly removing the floating leaves, the growth can be kept compact. By doing this, the plant would start to grow more submerged leaves and slow down the growth rate. ), or water lilies, are aquatic perennials that grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10. As I recall, the plant pictured on the package had large and colorful leaves, so it may well have been a tiger lotus (Nymphaea lotus). You can drop the bulb on top of the substrate and it’s very important to leave it on the surface and have only the roots underneath. Red tiger lotus is not a difficult plant and not too demanding when it comes to light. Many aquarists observed the Zekeri would grow slower after being trimmed for a while. Bei dieser Pflanze fallen in der Regel die Blätter beim Transport ab. Contact | Policy & Privacy | Resource | Advertisement, TheAquariumGuide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Best Aquarium Guide: Choosing the best tank, Best Rocks for Freshwater Aquarium in 2021, Best HOB (Hang On Back) Filter – 2021 Review Updated. Usual maximum size in aquariums: 5 - 30 cm (1.97 - 11.81 inch) 0 14. Instead, push it down about 2/3 of the way and leave the rest sticking out. It is known for its triangular leaves and, as its name states, its deep red coloration. Planting red tiger lotus is a bit different from planting most other aquarium plants. The Red Tiger Lotus (Nypmhaea Zenkeri) is an African stagnant water plant that is easy to keep and is widely used in aquariums. I have tried releasing the seeds from the pod into an indoor aquarium, that did not work as the seeds were all gone. The red tiger lotus (Nymphaea lotus “Zenkeri”) originates from East Africa and Southeast Asia, reaching 24 inches tall and wide in a wild setting, such as a large lake. Scientific name: Nymphaea zenkeri. And best of all: it’s suitable for beginners! This plant might go into dormancy and drop all of its leaves if temperatures are too low. Another option is dividing the bulb, which can be done when little ‘bulb-lets’ have formed and had some time to grow a few leaves of their own. These can be very decorative and can even result in a beautiful flower but do change the look of the plant. Lieferstatus: 2 - 4 Werktage. How To Plant A Tiger Lotus Nyphaea Zenkeri In An Aquarium. Artikelgewicht: 0,10 Kg. However, like most plants it will lose its compact shape and slow down its growth in low-light conditions, so if that’s a problem be sure to go for medium to high light. Description: The Red Tiger Lotus (Nypmhaea Zenkeri) is an African stagnant water plant that is easy to keep and is widely used in aquariums, features a striking red color and its interesting leaf shape makes for a great change in texture. Georg August Zenker (* 11.Juni 1855 in Leipzig; † 6. If this happens, check your temperature and leave the bulb inside the tank; it should eventually start producing new leaves. But don’t get scared, as it can be kept under control with a lot of attention and constant surveillance. Help! Learn how your comment data is processed. Our primary topics include aquascaping, tank guides, equipment reviews, and showcase of various examples of great aquariums across the web. Pruning can help, but as mentioned earlier you can also prevent this problem altogether by planting the bulb in a. Nymphaea Rubra / Stella also known as Dwarf Water Lily. The scientific name of Red tiger lotus is Nymphaea zenkeri and it belongs to Nymphaeaceae family. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Aquariumpflanze Nymphaea Rubra Red Tiger Zenkeri Lotus – Pflanze für tropische Aquarien, Versteck für Fische, 1 Zwiebel 1 Aquariumpflanzenzwiebel. Blattränder unregelmässig aber nicht gezähnt. How to Grow Nymphaea. Depending on the nutrient and lighting You can also extensively adopt a red-brown color. For a start, here's your free ebook when you sign up! Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea Zenkeri) - Potted Rating Required Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) Name Hi Avi, What are your water parameters? An die Wasserhärte und den PH-Wert hat Nymphaea lotus 'zenkeri' kaum Ansprüche, die ideale Temperatur liegt im mittleren Bereich und sollte 30°C nicht übersteigen. The red tiger lotus can be a beautiful contrast with the other green plants in your aquarium, but the aquarist needs to be very cautious; the blossoms it produces are wonderful and have a very nice scent. Nymphaea lotus ist eine tropische, in Afrika weit verbreitete Seerose. Sale! Recommended pH range for the species: 6.5 - 7.2. The plant can be harvested in an area that doesn’t have running water and that is why they make a good aquarium plant as they don’t require running water activity. This way, the lotus will grow at a slower pace. The plant grows … Red tiger lotus is not a difficult plant and not too demanding when it comes to light. Another trick to control the spreading of the plant is to prevent it from developing surface leaves by constantly trimming them as they grow. Nymphaea lotus 'zenkeri' kann bei einem ausladenden Wuchs eine Höhe bis 80cm erreichen. The Red Tiger Lotus (Nypmhaea Zenkeri) is an African stagnant water plant that is easy to keep and is widely used in aquariums. Red Tiger Lotus Aquarium Lily (Nymphaea zenkeri) is a remarkable red bulb plant that is native to Africa. Die Blätter der Nymphaea Zenkeri Red sind zuerst grün, teilweise mit roten Sprenkeln überzogen. A beautiful and very varied species from West Africa with leaves of green to red-brown and varying numbers of purple spots. The Zekeri will grow quickly and produce blossoms under red light, but blue and white light would prevent the plant from growing any flowers. With its big, round leaves with brown spots and stripes the Tiger lotus is … Finally, you can control the overall growth of the red tiger lotus by using the right light. , zzgl. Family: Nymphaecaceae. Nathan-South Wales-This will be my first time trying to grow one of these plants, so I'm hoping it will turn out well! Die Pflege sollte daher vorzugsweise in großen Aquarien erfolgen, sofern die Blätter nicht regelmäßig beschnitten werden. Yes, we even pick the bulb with sprouted so you know the plant is already growing when you got them. Also, if one or two leaves reach the surface, the plant will “learn” it can do this and try to do it constantly afterwards. It has a medium growth speed in medium to strong light and can reach between 7-31 inches high and 9-23 inches wide. If you’re looking for an unusual aquarium plant to use as a centerpiece in your aquarium, you’re in luck.

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Last modified: 18 enero, 2021

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