. Make sure you have NPM installed, for Windows, Mac or Linux. Let the code editor fix the tedious rules, while we get the satisfaction of indented, formatted and bug-free code. AutoCorrect Settings in Office For Outlook, go to “File > Options > Mail > Editor Options… > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options…”. I use DictionarEntry objects to store those pairs. Formatting rules: These are the rules that make you and your team’s code look neat, similar and ordered, e.g. You need to install a library known as textdistance, which can be easily installed by using the pip command; pip install textdistance. Useful to add autocorrect=”off” and spellcheck=”false” to input fields for things like product keys, post codes and things like that. You will find the errors displayed in the “problems” tabs in the terminal block of VS Code. Or, check out the prettier docs for the full list of options. Yet they’re at the core of everyday… Almost every smartphone brand irrespective of its price provides an autocorrect feature in their keyboards today. Tools and Setup for Linting For example, you may want to insert a product code like "1-ANC", but it is automatically changed to "1-CAN" each time because Excel believes you've misspelled the word "can". Returns an AutoCorrect object that contains the current AutoCorrect options, entries, and exceptions. Check out this guide as well. You can find the settings in file>preferences or the cog icon on the left bottom. code-spacing, indents and line-breaks. Code-quality rules: These rules make sure your code runs as it should and is bug-free with the correct syntax, e.g. Formatting rules: These are the rules that make you and your team’s code look neat, similar and ordered, e.g. For this task, we need some libraries. Example. 7. It works not only for HTML, CSS and Javascript but many other languages too! In this article, I will take you through how to build autocorrect with Python. A few warnings(not errors) will come up, you can ignore them. This example adds an AutoCorrect replacement entry. I hope you now know what autocorrect is and how it works. 2. Label the left column Wrong and the right column Right. You will need to fix the few code errors that remain. 3. Let’s say you typed a word in your keyboard if the word will exist in the vocabulary of our smartphone then it will assume that you have written the right word. You can then use the utility and table to move/copy your entries to a different computer. So you must be having all the libraries installed in your system already except one. To set it up, check out this repository and this article for a more detailed guide. Some ugly looking CSS code with nine problems found by Stylelint: Prettier formats the code on file save, fixing five errors with no effort: Stylelint auto-fixes one more error when we run the npx command: Fixing the last few problems manually… and our code is looking good! For example, even this deliberately weird bit of formatted text can become an AutoCorrect entry: Even advanced engineers confess to not having a fully intuitive grasp of what goes on underneath the hood. To prevent all automatic changes made by AutoCorrect, simply turn it off: Open the AutoCorrect dialog by clicking File > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options. Go to “Insert > Equation” option under “Symbols” group. Here is a small sample to illustrate how your file should be laid out: How is computer programming different today than 20 years ago? You can also create your own configuration. This wikiHow teaches you how to turn off autocorrect on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Our code can now check words the user has written and replace them with the closest matching word from the expected-words … Auto-correct is a type of software program that identifies misspelled words, uses algorithms to identify the words most likely to have been intended, and edits the text accordingly. It can be found on your first benefit statement. Canada Post may in its sole discretion limit the number of searches you make using Find a Postal Code, on a daily or other basis. Place a custom Stylelint configuration file (stylelint.config.js) in your workspace directory. “Lint, or a linter, is a tool that analyzes source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and suspicious constructs.”. On the AutoCorrect tab, select or clear Replace text as you type. This tool does the same code checking that we have set up in this article. “ AutoCorrect is one long-standing solution in Word to the problem of inserting stock phrases. Syntax. I hope you liked this article on how to build an autocorrect feature with Python. This has saved me hours of work as I catch the error as soon as I’ve made it. All Smalltalks provide a "spellAgainst:" method in their String class, which is based on levenshtein or a similar algorithm. To add a text entry: In the Replace box, type a short code that will be easy to remember. The linter lets you know about the errors in your code and some linters can even fix them for you! Browse other questions tagged visual-studio-code spell-checking autocorrect spelling or ask your own question. You can find this in the left tab in settings. I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this article. Contribute to phatpiglet/autocorrect development by creating an account on GitHub. To learn how to add a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar or … Here you can see the complete list of pre … The benefit of Stickler is that it can lint the code in a pull request on GitHub, ensuring there are no errors for you and your team before merging your new code. Go to the Review and select the arrow next to Spelling & Grammar. Now let’s see how we can build an autocorrect feature with Python. Click the “Show text suggestions as I type” and “Autocorrect misspelt words I type” sliders to the “on” position. Click the Proofing category, and then click the AutoCorrect Options button. 4. In the Replace box, type the punctuation. Install the recommended configuration for Stylelint into your workspace directory: npm install stylelint-config-recommended --save-dev. Disable Intellisense Autocorrect windows 10.0 visual studio editor visual studio 2017 version 15.9 gndev reported Jun 10, 2019 at 04:27 AM Code-quality rules: These rules make sure your code runs as it should and is bug-free with the correct syntax, e.g. Have you ever thought about how the autocorrect features works in the keyboard of a smartphone? /SAPPO/AUTOCORRECT SAP tcode for – PPO Autocorrector Here we would like to draw your attention to /SAPPO/AUTOCORRECT transaction code in SAP . You can use the search bar to find the setting and check the “Format On Save” box. Like our smartphone uses history to match the type words whether it’s correct or not. A neat tip: Prettier also lets you know if you have made a syntax errors in HTML by not formatting your code on save. The second option, Automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker, configures Word to consult the spelling checker if the usual AutoCorrect lookup doesn't find the word in question in the AutoCorrect list. The autocorrect feature may be harder to notice, however, this is … The Overflow Blog The Loop: A community health indicator Now let’s get started with the task to build an autocorrect with Python. In the above code, we made a list of words, and now we need to build the frequency of those words, which can be easily done by using the counter function in Python: word_freq_dict = {} word_freq_dict = Counter (words) print (word_freq_dict.most_common () [0:10]) view raw autocorrect hosted with by GitHub. On the Word menu, select Preferences, and then AutoCorrect. code-spacing, indents and line-breaks. Web developers, especially new ones, are constantly absorbing new content. Autocorrect is a standard typing feature that's built into most operating systems and platforms; disabling it will prevent your computer or mobile item from automatically changing misspelled words to their nearest correct spelling. First create a two column table with as many rows as you want available to create AutoCorrect entries. Click on Proofing then on AutoCorrect Options to open the dialog box; Click on the AutoCorrect tab; From this dialog box, you can edit the following options by ticking the check-boxes. expression A variable that represents an Application object.. 1. In the With box, type the full word or phrase that will replace the short code, after you type it. Install the Prettier extension from the store. I use the one above from Microverse. Once you have enabled the two settings, you will see Windows suggesting three words as you type. This will open AutoCorrect settings dialog box and check under “AutoCorrect” tab. The code then selects the best candidate by its editing distance, which is the distance between two strings based on the weighted number of insert, delete and replace operations required to change one string onto another. For the core of web development, we need these tools: Prettier: My favourite tool for dealing with formatting. Show AutoCorrect Options buttons; Correct two initial capitals; Capitalize the first letter of the sentence; Capitalize the first letter of table cells; Capitalize names of days Import entries to autocorrect Using a .txt file (Recommended) Use format-on-save in settings. Stylelint: A CSS/SCSS/LESS linting tool for dealing with code-quality issues. So how it works? Yes, the rules exist for a reason and we do eventually need to implement those practices … but let’s face it, it’s difficult to remember all the rules. In other words, a linter runs through your code, checking if you broke any rules. Charles @ CodeConquest.com Inputting code is another example. So here we also need to use some words to put the functionality in our autocorrect. Enter your wrong entries or short cut text in the Wrong column and the correct or expanded text in the Right column. You can save and print. 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. Make sure you have NPM installed, for Windows, Mac or Linux. Let the code editor fix the tedious rules, while we get the satisfaction of indented, formatted and bug-free code. AutoCorrect Settings in Office For Outlook, go to “File > Options > Mail > Editor Options… > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options…”. I use DictionarEntry objects to store those pairs. Formatting rules: These are the rules that make you and your team’s code look neat, similar and ordered, e.g. You need to install a library known as textdistance, which can be easily installed by using the pip command; pip install textdistance. Useful to add autocorrect=”off” and spellcheck=”false” to input fields for things like product keys, post codes and things like that. You will find the errors displayed in the “problems” tabs in the terminal block of VS Code. Or, check out the prettier docs for the full list of options. Yet they’re at the core of everyday… Almost every smartphone brand irrespective of its price provides an autocorrect feature in their keyboards today. Tools and Setup for Linting For example, you may want to insert a product code like "1-ANC", but it is automatically changed to "1-CAN" each time because Excel believes you've misspelled the word "can". Returns an AutoCorrect object that contains the current AutoCorrect options, entries, and exceptions. Check out this guide as well. You can find the settings in file>preferences or the cog icon on the left bottom. code-spacing, indents and line-breaks. Code-quality rules: These rules make sure your code runs as it should and is bug-free with the correct syntax, e.g. Formatting rules: These are the rules that make you and your team’s code look neat, similar and ordered, e.g. For this task, we need some libraries. Example. 7. It works not only for HTML, CSS and Javascript but many other languages too! In this article, I will take you through how to build autocorrect with Python. A few warnings(not errors) will come up, you can ignore them. This example adds an AutoCorrect replacement entry. I hope you now know what autocorrect is and how it works. 2. Label the left column Wrong and the right column Right. You will need to fix the few code errors that remain. 3. Let’s say you typed a word in your keyboard if the word will exist in the vocabulary of our smartphone then it will assume that you have written the right word. You can then use the utility and table to move/copy your entries to a different computer. So you must be having all the libraries installed in your system already except one. To set it up, check out this repository and this article for a more detailed guide. Some ugly looking CSS code with nine problems found by Stylelint: Prettier formats the code on file save, fixing five errors with no effort: Stylelint auto-fixes one more error when we run the npx command: Fixing the last few problems manually… and our code is looking good! For example, even this deliberately weird bit of formatted text can become an AutoCorrect entry: Even advanced engineers confess to not having a fully intuitive grasp of what goes on underneath the hood. To prevent all automatic changes made by AutoCorrect, simply turn it off: Open the AutoCorrect dialog by clicking File > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options. Go to “Insert > Equation” option under “Symbols” group. Here is a small sample to illustrate how your file should be laid out: How is computer programming different today than 20 years ago? You can also create your own configuration. This wikiHow teaches you how to turn off autocorrect on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Our code can now check words the user has written and replace them with the closest matching word from the expected-words … Auto-correct is a type of software program that identifies misspelled words, uses algorithms to identify the words most likely to have been intended, and edits the text accordingly. It can be found on your first benefit statement. Canada Post may in its sole discretion limit the number of searches you make using Find a Postal Code, on a daily or other basis. Place a custom Stylelint configuration file (stylelint.config.js) in your workspace directory. “Lint, or a linter, is a tool that analyzes source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and suspicious constructs.”. On the AutoCorrect tab, select or clear Replace text as you type. This tool does the same code checking that we have set up in this article. “ AutoCorrect is one long-standing solution in Word to the problem of inserting stock phrases. Syntax. I hope you liked this article on how to build an autocorrect feature with Python. This has saved me hours of work as I catch the error as soon as I’ve made it. All Smalltalks provide a "spellAgainst:" method in their String class, which is based on levenshtein or a similar algorithm. To add a text entry: In the Replace box, type a short code that will be easy to remember. The linter lets you know about the errors in your code and some linters can even fix them for you! Browse other questions tagged visual-studio-code spell-checking autocorrect spelling or ask your own question. You can find this in the left tab in settings. I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this article. Contribute to phatpiglet/autocorrect development by creating an account on GitHub. To learn how to add a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar or … Here you can see the complete list of pre … The benefit of Stickler is that it can lint the code in a pull request on GitHub, ensuring there are no errors for you and your team before merging your new code. Go to the Review and select the arrow next to Spelling & Grammar. Now let’s see how we can build an autocorrect feature with Python. Click the “Show text suggestions as I type” and “Autocorrect misspelt words I type” sliders to the “on” position. Click the Proofing category, and then click the AutoCorrect Options button. 4. In the Replace box, type the punctuation. Install the recommended configuration for Stylelint into your workspace directory: npm install stylelint-config-recommended --save-dev. Disable Intellisense Autocorrect windows 10.0 visual studio editor visual studio 2017 version 15.9 gndev reported Jun 10, 2019 at 04:27 AM Code-quality rules: These rules make sure your code runs as it should and is bug-free with the correct syntax, e.g. Have you ever thought about how the autocorrect features works in the keyboard of a smartphone? /SAPPO/AUTOCORRECT SAP tcode for – PPO Autocorrector Here we would like to draw your attention to /SAPPO/AUTOCORRECT transaction code in SAP . You can use the search bar to find the setting and check the “Format On Save” box. Like our smartphone uses history to match the type words whether it’s correct or not. A neat tip: Prettier also lets you know if you have made a syntax errors in HTML by not formatting your code on save. The second option, Automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker, configures Word to consult the spelling checker if the usual AutoCorrect lookup doesn't find the word in question in the AutoCorrect list. The autocorrect feature may be harder to notice, however, this is … The Overflow Blog The Loop: A community health indicator Now let’s get started with the task to build an autocorrect with Python. In the above code, we made a list of words, and now we need to build the frequency of those words, which can be easily done by using the counter function in Python: word_freq_dict = {} word_freq_dict = Counter (words) print (word_freq_dict.most_common () [0:10]) view raw autocorrect hosted with by GitHub. On the Word menu, select Preferences, and then AutoCorrect. code-spacing, indents and line-breaks. Web developers, especially new ones, are constantly absorbing new content. Autocorrect is a standard typing feature that's built into most operating systems and platforms; disabling it will prevent your computer or mobile item from automatically changing misspelled words to their nearest correct spelling. First create a two column table with as many rows as you want available to create AutoCorrect entries. Click on Proofing then on AutoCorrect Options to open the dialog box; Click on the AutoCorrect tab; From this dialog box, you can edit the following options by ticking the check-boxes. expression A variable that represents an Application object.. 1. In the With box, type the full word or phrase that will replace the short code, after you type it. Install the Prettier extension from the store. I use the one above from Microverse. Once you have enabled the two settings, you will see Windows suggesting three words as you type. This will open AutoCorrect settings dialog box and check under “AutoCorrect” tab. The code then selects the best candidate by its editing distance, which is the distance between two strings based on the weighted number of insert, delete and replace operations required to change one string onto another. For the core of web development, we need these tools: Prettier: My favourite tool for dealing with formatting. Show AutoCorrect Options buttons; Correct two initial capitals; Capitalize the first letter of the sentence; Capitalize the first letter of table cells; Capitalize names of days Import entries to autocorrect Using a .txt file (Recommended) Use format-on-save in settings. Stylelint: A CSS/SCSS/LESS linting tool for dealing with code-quality issues. So how it works? Yes, the rules exist for a reason and we do eventually need to implement those practices … but let’s face it, it’s difficult to remember all the rules. In other words, a linter runs through your code, checking if you broke any rules. Charles @ CodeConquest.com Inputting code is another example. So here we also need to use some words to put the functionality in our autocorrect. Enter your wrong entries or short cut text in the Wrong column and the correct or expanded text in the Right column. You can save and print. 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Code-quality rules: These rules make sure your code runs as it should and is bug-free with the correct syntax, e.g. Open Microsoft Word and make sure a document is displayed Select the File tab and choose Options The Word Options dialog box will appear: Select the Proofing … This tutorial will help with that. The dictionary contains on each line the pair " Word word_frequency". To entirely stop converting punctuation to an emoji, switch off autocorrect for the punctuation: Follow the steps in Word or Outlook to get to AutoCorrect Options. So let’s understand how the autocorrect features works. The macro will list each AutoCorrect entry in the blank document. The first, Capitalize first letter of table cells, works much like the Capitalize first letter of sentences setting. You can manually format your code by pressing “ctrl”+”shift”+”p” and searching “format document”. Install the Stylelint extension on VS Code. Since we are dealing with linting, let’s mention the topic of Stickler CI on GitHub. The libraries that I am going to use are very general as a machine learning practitioner. 5. After typing an incorrectly spelled word, the extension will automatically replace it with the correct variant of the the word Note: This is not needed often as Prettier would already be fixing most of these issues. What makes it worse is that there are so many rules to learning how to write good code. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below. Modified autocorrect() function. Build a Restaurant Recommendation Engine Using Neo4j, 3 Ways to Remain Engaged While Working Remotely, Benchmarking the Best Way to Reverse a String in Python. (A shortcut to toggling the terminal is “ctrl” + “`” ), npx stylelint --fix . Make sure you have NPM installed, for Windows, Mac or Linux. Let the code editor fix the tedious rules, while we get the satisfaction of indented, formatted and bug-free code. AutoCorrect Settings in Office For Outlook, go to “File > Options > Mail > Editor Options… > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options…”. I use DictionarEntry objects to store those pairs. Formatting rules: These are the rules that make you and your team’s code look neat, similar and ordered, e.g. You need to install a library known as textdistance, which can be easily installed by using the pip command; pip install textdistance. Useful to add autocorrect=”off” and spellcheck=”false” to input fields for things like product keys, post codes and things like that. You will find the errors displayed in the “problems” tabs in the terminal block of VS Code. Or, check out the prettier docs for the full list of options. Yet they’re at the core of everyday… Almost every smartphone brand irrespective of its price provides an autocorrect feature in their keyboards today. Tools and Setup for Linting For example, you may want to insert a product code like "1-ANC", but it is automatically changed to "1-CAN" each time because Excel believes you've misspelled the word "can". Returns an AutoCorrect object that contains the current AutoCorrect options, entries, and exceptions. Check out this guide as well. You can find the settings in file>preferences or the cog icon on the left bottom. code-spacing, indents and line-breaks. Code-quality rules: These rules make sure your code runs as it should and is bug-free with the correct syntax, e.g. Formatting rules: These are the rules that make you and your team’s code look neat, similar and ordered, e.g. For this task, we need some libraries. Example. 7. It works not only for HTML, CSS and Javascript but many other languages too! In this article, I will take you through how to build autocorrect with Python. A few warnings(not errors) will come up, you can ignore them. This example adds an AutoCorrect replacement entry. I hope you now know what autocorrect is and how it works. 2. Label the left column Wrong and the right column Right. You will need to fix the few code errors that remain. 3. Let’s say you typed a word in your keyboard if the word will exist in the vocabulary of our smartphone then it will assume that you have written the right word. You can then use the utility and table to move/copy your entries to a different computer. So you must be having all the libraries installed in your system already except one. To set it up, check out this repository and this article for a more detailed guide. Some ugly looking CSS code with nine problems found by Stylelint: Prettier formats the code on file save, fixing five errors with no effort: Stylelint auto-fixes one more error when we run the npx command: Fixing the last few problems manually… and our code is looking good! For example, even this deliberately weird bit of formatted text can become an AutoCorrect entry: Even advanced engineers confess to not having a fully intuitive grasp of what goes on underneath the hood. To prevent all automatic changes made by AutoCorrect, simply turn it off: Open the AutoCorrect dialog by clicking File > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options. Go to “Insert > Equation” option under “Symbols” group. Here is a small sample to illustrate how your file should be laid out: How is computer programming different today than 20 years ago? You can also create your own configuration. This wikiHow teaches you how to turn off autocorrect on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Our code can now check words the user has written and replace them with the closest matching word from the expected-words … Auto-correct is a type of software program that identifies misspelled words, uses algorithms to identify the words most likely to have been intended, and edits the text accordingly. It can be found on your first benefit statement. Canada Post may in its sole discretion limit the number of searches you make using Find a Postal Code, on a daily or other basis. Place a custom Stylelint configuration file (stylelint.config.js) in your workspace directory. “Lint, or a linter, is a tool that analyzes source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and suspicious constructs.”. On the AutoCorrect tab, select or clear Replace text as you type. This tool does the same code checking that we have set up in this article. “ AutoCorrect is one long-standing solution in Word to the problem of inserting stock phrases. Syntax. I hope you liked this article on how to build an autocorrect feature with Python. This has saved me hours of work as I catch the error as soon as I’ve made it. All Smalltalks provide a "spellAgainst:" method in their String class, which is based on levenshtein or a similar algorithm. To add a text entry: In the Replace box, type a short code that will be easy to remember. The linter lets you know about the errors in your code and some linters can even fix them for you! Browse other questions tagged visual-studio-code spell-checking autocorrect spelling or ask your own question. You can find this in the left tab in settings. I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this article. Contribute to phatpiglet/autocorrect development by creating an account on GitHub. To learn how to add a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar or … Here you can see the complete list of pre … The benefit of Stickler is that it can lint the code in a pull request on GitHub, ensuring there are no errors for you and your team before merging your new code. Go to the Review and select the arrow next to Spelling & Grammar. Now let’s see how we can build an autocorrect feature with Python. Click the “Show text suggestions as I type” and “Autocorrect misspelt words I type” sliders to the “on” position. Click the Proofing category, and then click the AutoCorrect Options button. 4. In the Replace box, type the punctuation. Install the recommended configuration for Stylelint into your workspace directory: npm install stylelint-config-recommended --save-dev. Disable Intellisense Autocorrect windows 10.0 visual studio editor visual studio 2017 version 15.9 gndev reported Jun 10, 2019 at 04:27 AM Code-quality rules: These rules make sure your code runs as it should and is bug-free with the correct syntax, e.g. Have you ever thought about how the autocorrect features works in the keyboard of a smartphone? /SAPPO/AUTOCORRECT SAP tcode for – PPO Autocorrector Here we would like to draw your attention to /SAPPO/AUTOCORRECT transaction code in SAP . You can use the search bar to find the setting and check the “Format On Save” box. Like our smartphone uses history to match the type words whether it’s correct or not. A neat tip: Prettier also lets you know if you have made a syntax errors in HTML by not formatting your code on save. The second option, Automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker, configures Word to consult the spelling checker if the usual AutoCorrect lookup doesn't find the word in question in the AutoCorrect list. The autocorrect feature may be harder to notice, however, this is … The Overflow Blog The Loop: A community health indicator Now let’s get started with the task to build an autocorrect with Python. In the above code, we made a list of words, and now we need to build the frequency of those words, which can be easily done by using the counter function in Python: word_freq_dict = {} word_freq_dict = Counter (words) print (word_freq_dict.most_common () [0:10]) view raw autocorrect hosted with by GitHub. On the Word menu, select Preferences, and then AutoCorrect. code-spacing, indents and line-breaks. Web developers, especially new ones, are constantly absorbing new content. Autocorrect is a standard typing feature that's built into most operating systems and platforms; disabling it will prevent your computer or mobile item from automatically changing misspelled words to their nearest correct spelling. First create a two column table with as many rows as you want available to create AutoCorrect entries. Click on Proofing then on AutoCorrect Options to open the dialog box; Click on the AutoCorrect tab; From this dialog box, you can edit the following options by ticking the check-boxes. expression A variable that represents an Application object.. 1. In the With box, type the full word or phrase that will replace the short code, after you type it. Install the Prettier extension from the store. I use the one above from Microverse. Once you have enabled the two settings, you will see Windows suggesting three words as you type. This will open AutoCorrect settings dialog box and check under “AutoCorrect” tab. The code then selects the best candidate by its editing distance, which is the distance between two strings based on the weighted number of insert, delete and replace operations required to change one string onto another. For the core of web development, we need these tools: Prettier: My favourite tool for dealing with formatting. Show AutoCorrect Options buttons; Correct two initial capitals; Capitalize the first letter of the sentence; Capitalize the first letter of table cells; Capitalize names of days Import entries to autocorrect Using a .txt file (Recommended) Use format-on-save in settings. Stylelint: A CSS/SCSS/LESS linting tool for dealing with code-quality issues. So how it works? Yes, the rules exist for a reason and we do eventually need to implement those practices … but let’s face it, it’s difficult to remember all the rules. In other words, a linter runs through your code, checking if you broke any rules. Charles @ CodeConquest.com Inputting code is another example. So here we also need to use some words to put the functionality in our autocorrect. Enter your wrong entries or short cut text in the Wrong column and the correct or expanded text in the Right column. You can save and print.