You can refer to the complete codepen here . I am trying to make a menu like the semantic UI but I only achieved to click the menu button and open the menu and vice versa. Some of the ideas resemble those of Google’s Material Design language. There are a lot of different options like pure CSS, animations and modal screen hamburger menu to choose from. From full-screen navigation menu to mega menu we have a lot of awesome navigation menu design inspiration for you. You will find code snippets for these in here. Checklist/To-Do List Design Inspiration You would typically use a to-do list to organise and prioritise your tasks. Image Slider – Content Carousels Design Inspiration & CSS Snippets Handpicked image slider and content carousel design inspiration. HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. In this roundup, we have collected some of the most beautiful button designs. Zoom In – Zoom Out Web Design Inspiration Looking for web design inspiration with Zoon In and Zoom Out effects? If you’re working on an admin panel, chances are you’ll need to design and develop a vertical menu, with plenty of sub-categories. Only this time we toggle two classes, one for the button, and one for the menu wrapper. You might also be interested in: email signup form snippets. We also have a food inspired section that you might like ?. Splitting.js Demo, Code Snippets and Examples Handpicked Splitting.js Demo, Code Snippets and Examples that you can use to find inspiration for your next web project. Here you will find handpicked hamburger menu code snippets that you can use in your web design projects. There is a jumbled block of text that randomly shuffle to reveal the hidden content. Sortable.js Demo, Code Snippets and Examples Handpicked Sortable.js Demo, Code Snippets and Examples that you can use to find inspiration for your next web project. Support: Can I Use Launch Date: October 2016 Format: .otf or .ttf files. Next we added the actual top bar navigation via a