More example sentences. ; Their conditions therefore are properly included under the term transference neuroses. The use of the term to mean the individualized nucleated mass of living protoplasm, which, whether with or without a limiting membrane, primitively forms the proximate histological element of the body of every organism, dates from the second quarter of the i9th century. ‘These pathways are shared by all living things, at least primitively, with few exceptions, … This fact gives rise to the question whether the Mollusca are to be regarded as primitively segmented animals or not. ; The transference of six votes from the opposite side would place us in a majority of two. But the bristle-tails and springtails, which form the modern order Aptera, are all without any trace of wings, and, on account of several remarkable archaic characters which they exhibit, there is reason for believing that they are primitively wingless - that they represent an early offshoot which sprang from the ancestral stock of the Hexapoda before organs of flight had been acquired by the class. Examples of organism in a sentence The fish is an organism that must remain in water in order to live. Because the lion is a dangerous organism, it should be avoided at all times. It has been held that the condition shown in certain leeches tend to prove that the coelom and haemocoel are primitively one series of spaces which have been gradually differentiated. 471. In the biserial type the polyps on the two sides of the stem have primitively an alternating, zigzag arrangement; but, by a process of differential growth, quickened in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, &c., members of the stem, and retarded in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, &c., members, the polyps may assume secondarily positions opposite to one another on the two sides of the stem. The remaining tissue of the plant-body, a tissue that we must regard phylogenetically as the remnant of the undifferentiated tissu~ of the primitive thallus, but which often undergoes further different,iation of its own, the better to fulfil its characteristically vital functions for the whole plant, is known, from its peripheral position in relation to the primitively central conducting tissue, as (3) the cortex. VDAC1 allows for the conductance of molecules into and out of … The hydrogen hypothesis predicts that no primitively mitochondrion-lacking eukaryotes ever existed. Define primitively. But a survey of the Hexapoda as a whole, and especially a comparative study of the tracheal system, can hardly leave room for doubt that this system is primitively adapted for atmospheric breathing, and that the presence of tracheal gills in larvae must be regarded as a special adaptation for temporary aquatic life. Sentence Examples for initially. In a primitivemanner. See primitive. Beneath the ciliated groove is placed an elongated ganglion (olfactory ganglion) connected by a nerve to the supraintestinal (therefore the primitively dextral) ganglion of the long h, k, m, Stomach. Another word for primitive. ‘Proponents of the multiregional theory consider Neanderthals as an earlier primitive stage in the development of modern Europeans.’. They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks. The (primitively) right-hand organs of the complex thus become lefthand, and vice versa. primitively synonyms, primitively pronunciation, primitively translation, English dictionary definition of primitively. 142. movement flexure is also produced by the coiling of the visceral sac and shell; primitively the latter was bowl-shaped; but the ventral flexure, which brings together the two extremities of the digestive tube, gives the visceral sac the outline of a more or less acute cone. They are primitively paired, but often coalesce with each other more or less completely. in a very simple and old-fashioned way, especially when something is not convenient or comfortable synonym crudely (2) a force of 3 000 primitively armed rebels. The second operation which forms new primitive recursive functions from initial primitive recursive functions is called ˜ primitive recursion™ and is formally defined as follows:. Primitively (?) Example Sentences. “The emigration towards which Navalny is being primitively forced is a path from Russian politics into an entirely different life, one that in no way influences the situation in Russia. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Ardipithecus primitively retained a widely divergent big toe, along with structures of the lower pelvis and thigh that enabled competent arboreal climbing and clambering. ... in the beginning, mainly, originally, primarily, primitively, primo, principally Definition adv. Primitive races colonized these islands 2,000 The familiar illustration of Lamarck's hypothesis is that of the giraffe, whose long neck might, he suggested, have been acquired by the efforts of a primitively short-necked race of herbivores who stretched their necks to reach the foliage of trees in a land where grass was deficient, the effort producing a distinct elongation in the neck of each generation, which was then transmitted to the next. When the programmer received the primitive computer, he immediately began to make upgrades. primitively the Mammalian cerebrum, like that of the lower Vertebrata, is quite smooth. Another word for primitively. wingless Hexapods with cumacean mandibles, distinct maxillulae, and locomotor abdominal appendages. ‘primitive mammals’. I refused to stay in the primitive cabin because it did not have indoor plumbing. consists primitively of typical living parenchyma; bu its differpotlistion mov he esctremelv vsred, sinr-p in the rnmnle~. 222+14 sentence examples: 1. The essential feature of the asymmetry of Gastropoda is the atrophy or disappearance of the primitively left half of the circumanal complex (the right half in sinistral forms), including the gill, the auricle, the osphradium, the hypobranchial gland and the kidney. How to use initially in a sentence is shown in this page. Regarding the Echinoderms as a whole in the light of the foregoing account, we may give the following analytic summary of the characters that distinguish them from other coelomate animals: They live in salt or brackish water; a primitive bilateral symmetry is still manifest in the right and left divisions of the coelom; the middle coelomic cavities are primitively transformed into two hydrocoels communicating with the exterior indirectly through a duct or ducts of the anterior coelom; stereom, composed of crystalline carbonate of lime, is, with few exceptions, deposited by special amoebocytes in the meshes of a mesodermal stroma, chiefly in the integument; reproductive cells are derived from the endothelium, apparently of the anterior coelom; total segmentation of the ovum produces a coeloblastula and gastrula by invagination; mesenchyme is formed in the segmentation cavity by migration of cells, chiefly from the hypoblast. It may be that we first of all of'h primitively or spontaneously affirm cause, substance, sophy. All you know to which consequences such statements lead… The Knowledge of IISSIIDIOLOGY is not for those “people” who so, There are those this day among them, who, though intelligent and courageous enough in offering battle to the Greenland or Right whale, would perhaps—either from professional inexperience, or incompetency, or timidity, decline a contest with the Sperm Whale; at any rate, there are plenty of whalemen, especially among those whaling nations not sailing under the American flag, who have never hostilely encountered the Sperm Whale, but whose sole knowledge of the leviathan is restricted to the ignoble monster. primitively (adverb) in a primitive style or manner. It is most unlikely that wings have been acquired independently by various orders of Hexapoda, and if we regard the Thysanura as the slightly modified representatives of a primitively wingless stock, we must postulate the acquisition of wings by some early offshoot of that stock, an offshoot whence the whole group of the Pterygota took its rise. Examples of liberate in a sentence, how to use it. 49 examples: All other orders also contain non-eusocial species, including many lineages… ‘It depicts Adam and Eve, primitively dressed in animal furs and skins, tending their children and engaged in their separate, gender-specific labors: Adam digs with a spade, while Eve manufactures yarn by means of a drop spindle.’. 241. Through the Creative Activity of the Formo-Creators of our Self-Consciousness on the Levels of a high-qualitative resopason, we as if “attract” the dynamics of our FCA to the NUU-VVU-Configurations that are already initially structured by this flaks VVU-Information (together with the FLAKS-Idea ciphered in it), “unpack-unfold” it in the high-frequency part of our information space, after which it is immediately karmo-quantized by our best Conceptions (already existing SFUURMM-Forms about architecture) of the future house and transforms in our Imagination into a particular image, which then is put on paper (that is. Primitively there are four perradial tentacles, to which may be added four interradial, or they may become very numerous and are then scattered evenly round the margin, never arranged in tufts or clusters. A breech that was apparently large enough to allow a whole cavalry of barbarians to pass through? Synonyms: radically, originally, essentially, basically, firstly, fundamentally, primarily, initially, first, predominantly, principally, predominately, elementally, particularly, especially, by birth, first and foremost, from day one, in the early stages, by origin, in the first place, to start with, at first, at the … The carol has a primitive strength and haunting simplicity. We may suppose that primitively the mouth was seated in the centre of a funnel-shaped disk, surrounded by a double wreath. Examples of eusocial in a sentence, how to use it. Here's the word you're looking for. Assuming that Yahweh was primitively a nature god, scholars in the 19th century discussed the question over what sphere of nature he originally presided. 1. a. A small enclosed structure or cavity, especially: (noun) 2 a : of or relating to the earliest age or period : primeval the primitive church. primitive instincts/feelings/fears [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples — primitively adverb 1. In relation to the view that the spermatia are sexual cells, or at least were primitively so, it must be pointed out that although the actual fusion of the spermatial nucleus with a female nucleus has not been observed, yet in a few cases the spermatia have been seen to fuse with a projecting portion (trichogyne) of the ascogonium, as in Collema and Physcia, and there is very strong circumstantial evidence that fertilization takes place (see later in section on development of ascocarp). He cleared all his debts initially. Eine Lücke, die offensichtlich groß genug war, so dass eine ganze Kavallerie Barbaren durchkam? 342. 1 Relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something. They do not represent the opinions of Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. All Rights Reserved. Primitive sentence examples. Only 13 proteins necessary for a mitochondrion are actually coded in mitochondrial DNA. English words and Examples of Usage use "primitive" in a sentence The massive use of charcoal on an industrial scale in Early Modern Europe was a new type of consumption of western forests; even in Stuart England, the relatively primitive production of charcoal has already reached an impressive level. The transference of the print to stone can be accomplished in the usual lithographic manner. We do not find in Chaetopoda that parapodia, belonging to primitively post-oral rings or body-segments (called " somites," as proposed by H. The five pairs of appendages of the post-oral somites of the head or prosoma thus constituted all primitively carry gnathobasic projections on their coxal joints, which act as hemignaths: in the more specialized forms the mandibular gnathobases cease to develop. In a primitivisticmanner. We can distinguish (I) digestive endoderm, in the stomach, often with special glandular elements; … 182+7 sentence examples: 1. The one-sided specialization and the peculiar metallic colouring of the lateral tail feathers mark them as the extreme terms of a degenerative series, whilst the symmetry, likeness of constituent parts inter se, and absence of specialized pigment, as well as the fact that they differ little from any average feather of birds in general, mark the contour feather as primitively simple, and as the starting-point from which the highly elaborated eye-painted tail feather has gradually evolved. The condition of things can be imagined by supposing that in a medusa primitively of normal build, with tentacles at the margin, the umbrella has grown down past the insertion of the tentacles. Taking as a starting-point the wide archenteric cavity which the medusa inherits primitively from the antecedent actinula-stage (see article Medusa), we find, in such a form as Tessera, four interradial areas of concrescence between the exumbral and subumbral layers of endoderm, four so-called septal nodes or " cathammata," subdividing the stomach into four wide, radially situated pouches which communicate with each other beyond the septal nodes by wide apertures constituting what is termed by courtesy a ring-canal. b : closely approximating an … Stelae of early Slavic deities are again more C. Bourne, 1887) is always intercalated as a secretion by one or both of them; this is a gelatinoid, primitively structureless lamella, which in the first instance serves merely as a basal support for the cells. 1. Even using extremely primitive technology, we have made marvelous progress. primitively: 1 adv in a primitive style or manner “rather primitively operated foundries” adv with reference to the origin or beginning Synonyms: in the beginning , originally Of or relating to an early or original stage or state; primeval: life in the primitive ocean. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Primitive definition, being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world: primitive forms of life. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 4 : coming from the part of a person that is wild or like an animal: not based on reason. He cleared all his debts initially. It is, moreover, highly probable that Sumerian had primitively a system of voice-tones similar to that now extant in Chinese. Scholars of this opinion believe that this language, which has been arbitrarily called " Akkadian " in England and " Sumerian " on the European continent and in America, was primitively the speech of the pre-Semitic inhabitants of the Euphratean region who were conquered by the invading Semites. Find more ways to say primitively, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. This paper primitively introduces the principle of DNA computing and it's basic mathematical thought. 3. Find more ways to say primitive, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Primitive man quickly learned how to manipulate tools. 4. Check the meaning of initially. Clayton's only response was a shrug of the shoulders, but as he left them he picked up the spear which had transfixed Snipes, and thus, He is of opinion, that the vast prairies and barrens, extending over the greater part of the western states, and over nearly all Louisiana, were, At the bottom was a skeleton stretched upon a very regular bed of pebbles, and I am of the opinion that Khaighruch-tépè was, You shouldn’t treat these questions with the same absurd conclusions like this one: since the human being was created “after the Image and likeness of God”, therefore, God also looks in the same way, just like the human being! primitively in Chinese : :简单地;基本地;原始地…. We can distinguish (I) digestive endoderm, in the stomach, often with special glandular elements; (2) circu-, latory endoderm, in the radial and ring canals; (3) supporting endoderm in the axes of the tentacles and in the endodermlamella; the latter is primitively a double layer of cells, produced by concrescence OC-- = w.?". In instincts and in character, also, the typical " mountaineers " are to a marked degree primitive; they are, for the most part, very ignorant; they are primitively hospitable and are warm-hearted to friends and strangers, but are implacable in their enmities and are prone to vendettas and family feuds, which often result in the killing in open fight or from ambush of members of one faction by members of another; and their relative seclusion and isolation has brought them, especially in some districts, to a disregard for law, or to a belief that they must execute justice with their own hands. It's difficult to see mitochondrion in a sentence . primitive. Sentence with the word primitive. The primitive shell-sac or shell-gland is well marked at this stage, and the pharynx is seen as a new ingrowth (the stomodaeum), about to fuse with and open into the primitively invaginated arch-enteron (fig. 210 "I hope you don't find all this too primitive," Cade spoke behind her. at the beginning Last update: June 24, 2015. primitivistically. What does vesicle mean? The alternative view, advocated by Weber, that the lunar zodiac was primitively Chaldaean, rests on a very shadowy foundation. The village was a place of stereotypes brought to life, where the word primitive bubbled to the lips. primitively, originally, in the beginning (adverb) with reference to the origin or beginning. 2. "rather primitively operated foundries". Primitive definition, being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world: primitive forms of life. The use of the term to mean the individualized nucleated mass of living protoplasm, which, whether with or without a limiting membrane, primitively forms the proximate histological element of the body of every organism, dates from the second quarter of the i9th century. The development, on the contrary, shows unequivocally that the endodermlamella arises as a local coalescence of the endodermal linings of a primitively extensive gastral space. The gonads are folds of the endoderm containing generative cells, and are primitively four in number, situated interradially, but each gonad may be divided into two by the partition which separates two adjacent lobes of the stomach, that is to say, by one of the areas of concrescence between exumbral and subumbral endoderm, whence arises a condition with eight gonads which is by no means uncommon. Obwohl ich ihn sofort ohne Reue niederschlagen würde, musste ich diesem jungen Barbar ein wenig Respekt zollen. b : assumed as a basis especially : axiomatic primitive concepts. click for more detailed Chinese translation, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. Primitive means belonging to a very early period in the development of an animal or plant. The number of these processes is primitively and normally five, but may become less by atrophy. All of these are to be regarded as primitively post-oral, but in the course of development the mouth moves back to the mandibular segment, so that the first three somitesocular, antennal and intercalary - lie in front of it. Examples of Primitive in a sentence In the primitive village, there is no source of electricity. used to describe how a feeling or desire is strongly felt, though not based on reason, as if from the earliest period of human life. ‘The islanders were tolerant but very primitively rural.’. 1 a : not derived : original, primary. This must not be taken to mean, however, that the medusa is derived from a sessile polyp; it must be regarded as a direct modification of the more ancient free actinula form, without primitively any intervening polyp-stage, such as has been introduced secondarily into the development of the Leptolinae and represents 'a revival, so to speak, of an ancestral form or larval stage, which has taken on a special role in the economy of the species. 44, A); at the tip of this is formed a thickening of the ectoderm, arising primitively as a hollow ingrowth (fig. 8); the primitively open cup has now closed over to form a vesicle lying beneath the ectoderm; the outer wall of the vesicle becomes thickened to form a cellular lens (1), while the proximal wall consists of sensory and pigmented cells and forms a retina. The bat is a nocturnal organism that sleeps during the daylight hours. See more. 99 examples: Her activity liberates the hero so that he may conclude the romance unimpeded… adj. 2. First, nutrition is a very primitive science. More example sentences. The chief peculiarities that distinguish Trematodes from their free-living allies, the Turbellaria, are the development of adhering organs for attachment to the tissues of the host; the replacement of the primitively ciliated epidermis by a thick cuticular layer and deeply sunk cells to ensure protection against the solvent action of the host; and (in one large order) a prolonged and peculiar life-history. The compound eyes of insects resemble so closely the similar organs in Crustaceans that there can hardly be reasonable doubt of their homology, and the primitively appendicular nature of the eyes in the latter class suggests that in the Hexapoda also they represent the appendages of an anterior (protocerebral) segment. Whereas primitively any polyp in a colony may produce medusa-buds, in many hydroid colonies medusae are budded only by certain polyps termed blastostyles (fig. - Dicyclica in which the dorsal cup primitively is confined to the patina and occasional intercalated anals, and no other plates ever occur between RR (Grade: Distincta); Br may be incorporated in the cup, with or -without iBr, but never rigidly, and their corresponding ambulacrals remain supra-tegminal (Grade: Articulata); new columnals are introduced at the extreme proximal end of the stem. The eight adradial gonads on the subumbral walls of the four radial pouches, representing primitively four horse-shoeshaped gonads each divided into two by an interradial septum. To get example sentences for that word June 24, 2015 13 proteins for. Reference to the origin or beginning: 简单地 ; 基本地 ; 原始地… the beginning, mainly, originally in. 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